We are excited to meet our students next Tuesday! We have the entire staff organized and ready to help your student find their classes and start the new school year off with learning and safety in mind. We are starting the new school year just as we finished the last school year, under construction. The front entrance (door # 1) will be off limits. While not all classrooms in the building will be impacted directly, traffic flow will change and this part of the building will be inaccessible.
Please note the following:
• The front door will be off limits before/during/after school. Please use door # 2 (north end of the high school) if you are visiting or picking up a child during the school day.
• Traffic flow in the front lot will remain the same. However, as explained earlier, the front doors of the high school will be off limits for entering and exiting the building until further notice.
• If you are dropping off items for your student, or need to speak to someone in the front office, you can enter the building through door # 2.
• As in the past, Door # 19 will be the student entry in the morning up to 8:04 a.m. After this time, the students will be directed to door # 2.
Here are some key changes to start the 2024-2025 school year:
New Cell Phone/Electronic Device Policy - The school and its employees are not held financially responsible for any damage, loss, or theft of student or parent owned electronic devices brought onto school property. If a parent needs to contact a student during the school day, they may contact the front office to get a message to the student in an efficient manner. A student’s ability to have a cell phone and/or other small personal electronic device (including smart watches) on campus is a privilege, not a right. Students and parents together must abide by the following rules:
● Students may bring a cellphone or small personal device to school, but all personal devices must be put in the student locker/out of sight during all seven periods of the school day AND during Success. This applies to ALL areas of the school such as the clinic/nurse’s office, office areas, restrooms, hallways, locker bays, and outside. If a student is in possession of a phone or electronic device during class time, it will be confiscated and turned into the office and consequences will be assigned.
● Air pods are to be put in the student locker/Out of Sight. Air pods will not be allowed in classrooms. Students are not to have earpieces in their ears in the hallways between classes.
● Cell phones and personal devices may be used during breakfast, lunch, and afterschool only. Even during approved times, student cell phones or personal devices used at school must not be disruptive to the student, other students/teachers, or the learning environment.
● Personal devices may not be used in place of the school-issued Chromebooks.
● Cell phone use may not include audio, video or Facetime calls. Calls may only be made in the front office using a school phone with staff approval.
● Students may not use cell phones or personal devices to take photos, audio recordings, or video recordings during the school day.
● Cell phones, personal devices, or school-issued Chromebooks must never be used in bathrooms or locker room areas. Student cell phone or personal device misuse during the school day will result in disciplinary consequences. These consequences are outlined on page 28-29 of the handbook. Any student with multiple phone or personal device offenses may lose all privileges to possess a phone or personal device on school property or at school sponsored events and/or activities
Free Breakfast/Lunch – All students enrolled at Cloverdale Community School Corporation are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at no charge each day for the 2024-2025 school year. No further action is required of you. Your child(ren) will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay a fee or submit an application.
Open House – Due to construction, we will be moving our annual open house to late September. We would like to have all the construction complete and the building to be totally accessible for all stakeholders. Sorry for any inconvenience this change might cause.
Please know we will focus on your student’s safety, health, and academic achievements from day one. We are ready to see our students return for another successful school year!
H. Sonny Stoltz, Principal